11-chakras-y-mon-BNGEOCROM DISTANCE THERAPIES by E.mail, Whatsapp or Zoom, personalized and prearranged:

Marta Povo offers on-line diagnostics and healing, both Geocrom Archetypes as Floral Essences or Essene Healing, by diagnosing the priority in each case, and sending a Personal Report, or if is possible, talking to the patient via mail, or whatsapp. The patient usually sends Marta a photo by mail in order to project the personal formula and the appropriate archetypes; in several cases the treatment is complemented by a dilution or Geocrom Essences formula, that will be sent to the person by post mail. It is preferable that the patient send her an email with his/her personal data and explaining the main reason for the consultation, and then call her by phone to set the appointment.

This online service can be for everyone, but is especially suitable for people who can not move to Barcelona, or in emergency circumstances. It is also very effective for transits near death, or different kinds of mouring. However, it is preferable to do face-to-face therapy than distance therapy, whenever possible, because everything in the process can be more detailed and effective.
The price of each diagnosis and distance healing is 80 €, including the telephone or Zoom conversation, and a PERSONAL REPORT.

Distance therapy with children is valued at 40 €. For babies under two years, Marta does it free, but sooner or later it has to be discussed with the parents.

These distance therapies can also be paid very easily through the ONLINE STORE of Geocrom School, by Paypal or credit card.