Another very different therapeutic service, offered occasonally by Marta Povo, is moving to specific locations to perform an HABITAT ADVISORY: ASESORÍA DEL HÁBITAT. It is necessary to prearrange the appointment with her well in advance. Trip and diets rates are apart.

Usually the work is done in two phases:

Phase 1/ Energy Analysis of houses, organic fengshui vision of the place, geopathies detecting and disrupting networks, chromaticism study and its specific advice, psychic load detection of the place, diagnosis and environmental consulting, changes to be made and practical tips on energy sanitation of every corner. It is necessary to have previously a scale plan of the site, and an extensive telephone conversation with the client. During the visit, it is strongly recommended to record everything that Marta advises, because she does not give written reports, just some notes on that particular diagnosis. Duration: 5 hours approx. Value: 300 €, in Barcelona or surroundings. Check budget for other places.

Phase 2 / Correction: Depending on the complexity of the place, in a later session (never before) can be done the healing of the living space. It is based on certain geometric codes and formulas Geocrom for correction, cleaning and healing disorders, and also others to empower, bring protection or sublimation of the space, either to private homes or to work places. Duration: 2 to 3 hours, energy correction value: 150 €, correction materials apart. That price can only be given to the client ‘after’ making the diagnosis of the house and knowing what is really needed for that space. Very often this second phase (correction) takes place a few weeks, or months, after the diagnosis (phase 1) is done, since there are many things to be changed in that place after her advices.

DISTANCE COUNSELLING: If necessary, it is also possible to do simple distance energy readings, with a scale plane of the site. It can be done a mini-test of distance Feng Shui , and an explanation on the phone with basic personal advising on space. In that case, this partial distance test and telephone advisory has an apart value of 60 €.

Very often people ask for a personalized budget, after describing their personal case; for example, there are people, families or offices, which only ask for an energy cleaning of the place, or a color advisory, because they want to paint the house consistently, and those specific things can not be considered analysis or comprehensive advices, so the price is different, depending on the size of the place, dense energy overload, the geopathies it has, etc. If that is your case and you want something very specific, it is recommended to ask for a budget by email, sending in attachement, a scale plane of the house or work place.
For an extension of this topic about healing living spaces, you can visit: www.medicinadelhabitat.com

sala CSIS enero 2016