Book presentation video / Video about color and light with Marta Povo
ISBN: 978-84-945259-3-3 Ed. Isthar LunaSol Pages: 190 BUY the book
New 2016: ‘THE LIVING ENERGY OF COLOR’ (book in Spanish): A highly expected work of Marta Povo, written in 2015 and basically intended for all kinds of artists and therapists. It brings us a revolutionary vision of the transcendent effect of colors on our lives, our health and our spirituality. The awareness of the importance of the use of living light and all its chromatic codes, had never been so well captured by the author in her previous 19 books, giving us many practical and mystical arguments simultaneously on the therapeutic and evolutionary effects of the chromaticism, both in the world of interior design, architecture, visual arts, design and art, as in the field of medicine, healing, feng shui, habitat medicine, conscious pedagogy and art therapy. The book includes two interesting appendix written by Eulàlia Valldosera and Cristina Costa.
Ed. Isthar LunaSol ISBN: 978-84-940658-5-9 Third edition expanded’14 Pag: 432 BUY
VIDEO on the new book about Geochromotherapy, 3rd ED. (M.Povo- In Spanish)
Download the INDEX and the FIRST PART of the book (In Spanish): INDICE y la Primera Parte del libro
‘Geometry and Light, a Medicine for the Soul’ (book in Spanish). A view of the new soul medicine and sacred geometry, written, revised and expanded in 2014 by the same creator and pedagogue of Geochromotherapy. It brings a new paradigm of integrative health and a boost in spiritual evolution, and provides clear concepts of health in relation to spirituality. A book that gives us a valuable way of self-discovery of self ego and soul, by vibrating Geocrom 77 Archetypes and its various applications for health and consciousness evolution, including all new ‘formulas Geocrom’ of re-encoding seawater, salts and consecrated oils.
LA SOLEDAD DEL SOL, el camino de la sanación
Ed. Isthar Luna-Sol ISBN: 978-84-940658-1-1 Pages: 264 BUY
Download the chapter: PSICOLOGÍA Y ESPIRITUALIDAD ‘Psychology and spirituality’. (In Spanish)
Link interview about that book and its contents (M.Povo-spanish): VIDEO about La Soledad del Sol
‘The Bright Solitude of the Sun, the path to Healing’ (In Spanish). Healing is to live the fullness, is to stop getting ill or suffer, is to find coherence between what you think, feel, say and do. Is living in your spirit in a body of flesh. This book is intended for anyone who wants to heal his soul, his psyche and body, but is also and above all adressed to healers, therapists or facilitators of health, because it reveals step by step items and ingredients needed to heal, mutate and evolve. Logical and intuitive at the same time, Marta Povo’s speech leads us to understand the current psychosis or absurd division between ego and soul, between matter and spirit, to be responsible for the healing of memories and recorded codes beyond the mistakes of our ancestors; an exquisite work fruit of 25 years of work in healing.
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-935128-8-0 Pages: 215 BUY
‘Intelligent principles of Sacred Geometry’ (In Spanish). One of the most awaited essays within the framework of the new harmonic and integrative medicine, written and pampered by a great expert in Chinese medicine, psychotherapy, and vibrational quantum therapy trials. Conceived by the clear mind of a tireless researcher of dynamic energy, a book is shaped by the spirit of a renowned plastic and literary artist. The surprising pedagogical narration introduces the public, in a passionated way, to the simultaneous world of science and spirituality, integrative medicine, therapeutic value, intelligent and evolutionary, that contains the geometry, the structural morphic fields and the forms of all creation, expressing the conceptual basis of Geocrom vision, a method already recognized internationally nowadays.
ENERGÍA Y ARTE, propiedades terapéuticas del color y las formas 
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-935128-4-2 Pages: 185 BUY
‘Energy and Art, therapeutic attributes of color and forms’ (In Spanish). A unique, entertaining, intelligent essay adapted to all kinds of readers and seekers of new paradigms, which leads us to the knowledge of energy and therapeutic values of the world of art and expression, color, design testing, architecture and plasticity. It brilliantly introduces us to the world of color, energy and aesthetics, exposing with great depth and subtlety all energy elements inscribed on smart principles of nature and its harmonious proportions. A must educational essay for this visual age of image and communication, narrated by a plural author whom joins and integrates medicine, art, research and pedagogy.
EL HEMISFERIO OLVIDADO, canalización, inspiración y comunicación
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-937585-5-4 Pages: 226 BUY
‘The forgotten Hemisphere, channeling, inspiration and communication’ (In Spanish). Our mind has two different faculties of understanding, catchment, cognition and communication, two distinct but complementary hemispheres, rational and intuitive. Word, deduction and reflection are more linked to the rational mind factors, but creativity, inspiration, intuition, compassion, including the power to channel, are more linked to the creative and analogical mind, sometimes called the heart. This hemisphere forgotten is there, potentially vibrating and waiting to be used consistently and synchronously. Marta Povo, an expert from birth on these issues, urges us to know and educate our intuitive hemisphere, but above all insists on the importance of integrating reason with intuition, reflection with creativity, and tells us about knowing how to use our choice freedom and our spiritual autonomy, even before any channeled message and inspiration. This work includes psychographic messages inspired by El Morya and Mary Magdalene.
DIÁLOGOS CON EL CIELO, enseñanzas de una médium en el año 2060
Ed Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-9354-08-9-0 Pages: 138 BUY
‘Dialogues with Heaven, lessons from a medium in 2060’ (In Spanish). In a world where logic prevails, Marta Povo clearly shows us with clarity, order, equanimity and broad experience the large cognitive potential of the human mind, through a fictionalized pedagogical work of great value for the modern man. All mediumship education narrated takes place in the future, by the year 2060, when all schools of Earth teach the chakras system and everything related to energy, as well as the development and proper use of clairvoyance, intuition, clairaudience, telepathy, mediumship in human being.
LECTURAS DEL ENTORNO, integrando salud y hábitat 
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-9354-08-3-8 Pages: 166 BUY
‘Readings of the Environment, integrating Health and Habitat’ (In Spanish). Consistent development and cutting-edge of the importance of our habitat on human health. The author and anthropologist pleasantly surprised us with her ability to synthesize and ability to integrate data from different disciplines related to our living space, to give us a comprehensive understanding of the ‘places’ that human being occupies. Work in which you learn to ‘read the energy’ of a space in a consistent manner, which analyzes and integrates the Feng Shui and Geobiology, disciplines closely related to psyche and soul development, which are viewed from an organic and psychic point of view. The book contemplates art, chromatic, iconographic and symbolic forms around us in terms of energy and therapeutically; analyzes the ‘sick buildings’ and technopathies self-generated by technological development itself. A very educational book and a delicious synthesis of the complex state of balance and health that requires any home or work space.
COLOR Y FORMAS, lo esencial de la Geocromoterapia
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-9354-08-5-2 Pages: 282 BUY
‘Color and forms, the essential of Geochromotherapy’ (In Spanish) A educational book that invites us to easily find a method of healing and balance completely innovative and revolutionary, Geochromotherapy. Based on the ancient wisdom and the premise that ‘all is energy’, this method uses since 1994 the light, color and geometric forms to produce energy stimulus to help us regain health, physical balance, spiritual, energy , mental, emotional and environmental. Every living being is inevitably related to Energy and its many manifestations. That inseparable package of matter-energy is all around us, it invade us, active us and stimulates us, gives meaning to life … It is the easiest work on Geocrom system to start our initiation in this new healing vision.
ARMONÍA Y HÁBITAT, iniciación lógica al feng shui
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-9354-08-4-5 2ª Ed. Pages: 144 BUY
‘Harmony and Habitat, logical iniciation to feng shui’ (In Spanish) Incisive and conceptual vision of Feng Shui adress to a mind and a western and modern sensibility. ppropriate work for all audiences looking for adaptation of this ancient harmonic scheme in their own home. An informative and practical narrative, in which Marta Povo’s long experience in medicine and art, acupuncture and anthropology, mysticism and health are integrated. Her speech and teaching style, transcends the typical vision on the art of Feng Shui, fluidly communicating basic energy concepts underlying harmony of a living space, and introduces interesting studies on the Feng Shui of the ‘cities’ of Paris and Barcelona, a synthesis of the concept ‘underground geopathies ‘ and suggests modern methods of correction energy for our homes.
MÍSTICA DEL COLOR Y LA GEOMETRÍA, los códigos del arte y el feng shui
ED. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-935128-5-9 Pages: 160 BUY
‘Mystic of Color and Geometry, codes of art and feng shui’ (In Spanish) One of Marta Povo’s firsts essays, with educational nuances, about the depth and mysticism involving all created forms and colors of light. The author here helps us understand the world of art, iconography, design and aesthetic paradigm, as completely ‘energy’ and not just plastic, that affects directly not only on health and psyche health buat also on the human soul in period of evolution. In the second part Marta Povo makes a deep incursion in these formal and chromatic assets in the world of ancient Feng Shui ‘, being this concept addressed at a higher level than usual.
ADAGIOS SIN TIEMPO, trascender el ego y descubrir tu Esencia
Ed. Harmonia’s ISBN: 978-84-935128-0-4 Pages: 275 BUY
‘Timeless Adages, transcending the ego and discovering your Essence‘ (In Spanish) Simple but excellent reflections, both literary and conceptually, a very helpful and clarity bedside book to all kinds of public. Hardly unperceived in this time of crisis of values, of psychological maturity and decisions, of coherent development of spirituality. “ Adagios sin tiempo” (Timeless Adages) represents a lucid voice that reminds us ‘who we are’. The author is therapist and psyche-spiritual consultant, a charismatic woman who in all her works she always brings us a great energy and a strong impetus to the expansion of consciousness. In these adages, the short reflections go direct into the ego and the spirit of each person, so, to be able to distinguish our temporary voice from the eternal voice of our Essence.
MADELEINE, caminando hacia la completitud
Ed. Tarannà ISBN 978-84-96516-95-3 Pages: 132 BUY
‘Madeleine, walking to the completeness’ (In Spanish) Twenty-seven delicious texts of Mary Magdalene, the archetype of femininity, freedom, love and unconditionallity, channeled by Marta Povo between 2009 and 2014. A jewel Book without precedents, both for its Christ wisdom and its Buddha clarity, filled with messages for our evolution as and ascension as advanced Human Beings.
Ed. Tarannà ISBN: 978-84-965116-80-9 Pages: 75 BUY
‘Co-creation, that God with lowercase letter‘ (In Spanish) A dialogue of equals with that inner god that we all have, a little jewel or Shortbook of the author, so sublime that leads us to understand the phenomenon of ‘net’, its creative ability and responsibility, and everyday phenomenon of co-creation with other forces existing in our populated of life universe.
Ed. Tarannà ISBN: 978-84-965116-84-7 Pages: 113 BUY
“Love and Death” (In Spanish) A little jewel of Marta Povo Shortbooks collection, written in 2011 on two crucial issues, while taboo, a story about Love and human relationships, and another on Death, detachment and lucid duels.
Ed. Harmonia’s (In Spanish) ‘Words of a spiritual warrior’ A great work about multiple reflective texts of Master Morya, the entity that for 18 years has contacted the author, which in this case comes under the pseudonym of “Anonymous Disciple” by own recommendation of his mentor.
NEW BOOKS in PDF, by Marta Povo
‘ARMONÍA Y HÁBITAT, iniciación lógica al Feng Shui’
Ed. Instituto Geocrom 120 Pages BUY the ebook
‘Harmony and Habitat, logical iniciation to Feng Shui’ (In Spanish) The second of Marta Povo’s, written in 1996, the most sold and looked for in the world of Feng Shui and energy of our homes, being a work of initiation on habitat energy vision. Incisive and conceptual version of Feng Shui, adress to a mind and a western and modern sensibility, an adequate work to all kinds of people looking for the adaptation of this ancient harmonic scheme at home. An informative and practical narrative of Marta Povo, whose long experience integrates medicine and art, acupuncture and anthropology, mysticism and health. Her speech and teaching style, transcends the typical view on the art of Feng Shui, fluidly communicating basic energy concepts underlying harmony of a living space, and introduces interesting studies on the Feng Shui of the ‘cities’ Paris and Barcelona, a synthesis of the concept ‘underground geopathies ‘ and suggests modern methods of correction energy for our homes.
EL COLOR DE LAS VIOLETAS, un antes y un después del Camino de Santiago
Ed. Instituto Geocrom 214 Pages BUY the ebook
‘The color of violets, a before and after the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage’ (In Spanish): A fictionalized story of an intense process of psychological self-transformation, a recognition of the power of the Truth and transparency. From a short and intense “Camino de Santiago” (Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage), the protagonist of the novel faces the darkness of human relations, the shadow of the subconscious, the deceptions and self-deceptions of the human psyche. An unforgettable work of reflection, high therapeutic and psychological value, with inspirations and very interesting texts of meetings and dialogues with institutions in the chapels of the way.
Ed. Instituto Geocrom 196 Pages BUY the ebook
PVP: 8 € BUY the ebook
‘The value of the Invisible’ (In Spanish): The first book of Marta Povo, written in 1995, the most sold, looked for and sold out for years, and now reissued digitally. The axis of all her research on the therapeutic values of the sacredness of geometry, light and color on health and human evolution.