The personal therapeutic visits with Marta Povo are of different types. She works mainly in the center of Barcelona-city, or in her Forest House, in Piera (mountain of Montserrat), and visits other cities on time. She only makes about 8 visits a week, more than 2 hours per person, and some therapeutic advice of the habitat per month.

Although she is an acupuncturist, she does not use needles just because she treats energetic points with light stimuli and with the frequencies of Geocrom Archetypes: geometry and color applied to health. Her personal visits are of an integrative or psycho-emotional nature and basically impel the innate qualities and the spiritual and psycho-energetic empowerment of every human being at any age. Treatments are different, according to each particular case, although usually they are with the Geocrom Method, or a Floral Therapy, or special Essene massage, or a Habitat energy consultancy, even with a 24-hour Tutoring, or a private class or personalized teaching. Marta can fluently work in French and Portuguese, besides in Spanish and Catalan (her mother tongue). She understands some English, but not enough to work thoroughly and subtly.

To arrange any private appointment, call in person at (+34) 629 50 18 29 via whatsapp, or write to: These are its different services:   · THERAPIES and PERSONAL VISITS *




Geocrom Healing: the psychosomatic and soul treatment with Geometry and Color archetypes on chakras and acupuncture centers, with a psyche-soul consulting (essential) or self-knowledge impuls and memories detection or disrupting codes. For its psychological depth and spiritual guide, it is not recommended to receive more than a healing session per month; It is sometimes enough six or seven visits per year approx. Duration: 2 full hours. Value: 80 €. This is the most usual service until now. Sometimes it is combined with lessons if the person wants. Children treatments under 14 years cost 50%.

Floral Therapy and psyche-soul guide, with energy analysis and simple psychoemotional diagnosis; It is prescribed and dispensed a personalized formula of Geocrom Essences or Fisterra Essences with encoded sea water. It is not advisable to celebrate this personal growth session in less than 3 weeks, renewing floral formula according to personal psycho-soul monitoring, for a few months. Duration: 1 hour. Value: 50 €. Treatments in children under 14 also cost half of the price.

24 hours Residential Personalized Tutoring with Marta Povo

Over time, some people (usually from afar) want to make a private retreat with her, often timely and unique, for a deep-therapeutic-personal biographical work or an existential soul advice or to consult various educational topics and expand specific teachings in private lessons. She offers a full day (preferably working) to the persons who request it in advance, but always in retreat at the Forest House; it is not unusual in the city. It is advisable that the person arrive in Barcelona before 9 or 10:00, take a train 60 ‘to PIERA, where she picks you up and drive up to the retreat space. There, you will work hard until the evening, share, eat, sleep, and the day after you will continue working until midday, when she will take you to the Piera train station, or directly to Barcelona. Price of consultancy with full stay is 200 €. In case you request a two days private visit, it has a value of 350 €, including diets and accommodation.

Private class and personalized teaching: that’s not really a treatment, but after more than 30 years of teaching and healing, many adults ask to learn various topics with Marta in a personalized way. These are intensive 2 hours classes and is charged as their primary therapy Geocrom, 80 €. It can be like a recitation, or consultancy of new issues, or personal and spiritual coaching, or a request for review, soul analysis, advice and extension of concepts. These tutorials are made both in the healing center Forest House in Piera, as in the Geocrom School of Barcelona.

To set any private appointment call her on (+34) 629 50 18 29 (also whatsapp), or (0034) 93 129 91 47 , or contact by email:  /  /