Essences encoded with geometry



Any liquid or solid substrate, especially water, oil and salt, can be encoded or impregnated with the Healing Geocrom codes, that is, programmed with the sacred geometry and light applied to our health. Geocrom School has a craft laboratory called Fisterra, to impregnate and develop each therapeutic remedy.

The 10 Fisterra floral essences, the 10 essences for the habitat healing, and the 77 Geocrom Essences are processed and preserved with pure microfiltered seawater. Each essence or remedy is alchemically encoded with a “synergistic formula” of the Geocrom Archetypes, very specific and effective for our mental and soul balance. There are also various Geocrom formulas, codified on oils and creams.

We carefully select the substrates where each healing formulais encoded; seawater is very pure and microfiltrated; essential oils we use to encode the remedies are also very pure. All, before being encoded has been previously decoded and neutralized from any altering information. The craft lab of Geocrom School prepares these quantum products, based on the therapeutic functions of Geocrom Archetypes, a method that works consciously for the awakening of consciousness, health and mental and spiritual evolution.

We can distribut these formulas, Geocrom Essences and Fisterra’s, either to privates individually, or therapists and professionals. Please, call or write us to buy these products one by one, or to acquire complete sets if you are a health care professional. Domestic and international delivery is available.

To directly BUY: ON LINE STORE- Essences

To directly BUY: ON LINE STORE- oils and creams

For more and detailed information about EACH FISTERRA PRODUCT

To Contact Geocrom School:

Whatsapp and phone number: (0034) 629 50 18 29
